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Καλησπέρα! Πάλι εγώ.

Μιλάμε για τις φεουδαρχικές κοινωνίες και τις υψηλές τιμές θνησιμότητας και λέμε ότι υπήρχε μια πρεμούρα να γεννηθούν διάδοχοι, οπότε ο ρυθμός γεννήσεων ήταν υψηλός. Η φράση που με προβληματίζει:

There was a lot of cavorting to secure heirs.

Βλέπω στα μονόγλωσσα λεξικά ότι η λέξη έχει και την έννοια του ερωτοτροπώ. Για παράδειγμα, στο urban dictionary:

To engage in various forms of undefined intimate interaction. Cavorting is, by nature, undefined; once the specific sexual activity has been named, it is no longer cavorting.

Δεν υπάρχει τρελή διάθεση για χιούμορ γύρω γύρω, αν και ο συγγραφέας κάνει γενικά χιουμοράκι (και τη ζωή μου δύσκολη) σχετικά συχνά. Πάντως εδώ με ανησυχεί το register. Δεν θέλω να το ρίξω πιο χαμηλά από όσο θα ήθελε ο συγγραφέας, αλλά δεν καταλαβαίνω και πόσο χαμηλά το ρίχνει.

Γινόταν πολύ παιχνίδι; Ό,τι άλλο και να σκεφτώ μου φαίνεται ακατάλληλο.


Staff member
Υπήρχε άφθονη ερωτική δραστηριότητα ώστε...

(Είναι κι οι μέρες περίεργες...)
Προκειμένου να εξασφαλιστεί η ύπαρξη διαδόχων, το ερωτικό παιχνίδι ήταν έντονο.
Στην εξασφάλιση της ύπαρξης διαδόχων στόχευαν και οι πολλές κι έντονες ερωτοτοτροπίες.

(Καλησπέρα κι από μένα και καλή χρονιά σε όλους.)


Staff member
Όλα τα παραπάνω, αλλά και: «οι ερωτοδουλειές έδιναν κι έπαιρναν», και κυρίως ορισμός (αρ. 2) από το ODE (τον οποίο προσθέτω μαζί με τα παραδείγματα, διότι είδα με τεράστια έκπληξη ότι το (κάπως παλιωμένο) ODE μου αγνοεί τη χρήση!).

informal Engage enthusiastically in sexual or disreputable pursuits.

  • ‘he'd been cavorting with a hooker’
  • ‘Ibiza, of course, tends to attract those who actively seek public attention - why else would minor stars spend their nights cavorting on the dance floors of the island's mega nightclubs?’
  • ‘He's been up all night cavorting with models (or so my puerile mind imagines) and now he's watching telly while I'm working.’
  • ‘She cuts loose at night however, cavorting around town with her boyfriend and perfecting the art of ‘swinging,’ i.e. sharing their beds with other couples.’
  • ‘Maybe when they choose their next leader they will select one who will not cavort like a buffoon with football fans.’
  • ‘He used amateur actors to perform the surreal scenes which feature naked young women cavorting on a double bed while a shirtless youth enthusiastically bangs away on percussion.’
  • ‘They were being subversive and celebratory at the same time and there was also something rawly sexual about this gaggle of half-drowned young people cavorting and hugging and splashing in the mud.’
  • ‘Are you stuck away in your booth, while kids half your age cavort the night away?’
  • ‘Funloving hedonists who have spent three years doing nothing but drinking and cavorting in seedy nightclubs suddenly become paragons of academic virtue.’
  • ‘Or go to your local nightclub on a Friday night - count the number of women cavorting about in bare midriffs, revealing necklines, and high-cut dresses.’
  • ‘Ironically, when it comes to the sexually active throng cavorting in today's media, married people -or at least people married to each other- appear to be in a definite minority.’
  • ‘For the next sixteen months he lived a double life in the popular tourist resort, working as a bar man by day and cavorting with young women and prostitutes at night.’
  • ‘A source close to Leo, one of his defenders, says since all the shooting has been at night, it's unlikely Leo's been cavorting off-set, or in Rome, during the wee hours.’
  • ‘No late-night revelling, no booze-ups, no cavorting with local ladies: these are the usual diktats dispatched to players by their national coaches at World Cup time.’
  • ‘From what I understand, having a beer can lead to such cardinal sins as dancing and cavorting with wild women.’
  • ‘They appear to be sexual predators, ready to leap from the interior, domestic space to cavort lasciviously in the external realm of military men.’
  • ‘The constituency party was far from pleased to learn that its new MP, who was married with a small child, had been cavorting with women on Greek islands.’
  • ‘The gang of 25 youngsters, thought to be no older than 15, were seen and heard, drinking and cavorting at the Kings Meadow Road playing field, from 7.30 pm onwards on Friday.’
  • ‘It was here in the 1950s that the then Duke discovered a Polaroid of his wife cavorting naked with another man - unidentifiable because his head had not been photographed.’
  • ‘In an incident that will have the manager fuming, players cavorted with dancers at the newly-opened strip bar, the Liquorice Club.’
  • ‘The film helps debunk a recent media report that many of the players were banished to mines and farms for cavorting at a ‘wild party with foreign ladies’ before their defeat by Portugal.’