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bullying = (σχολικός κτλ) εκφοβισμός· τραμπουκισμός

Καλύτερα μπουλισμένος παρά δαρμένος.

Παρέμπ, αυτό νομίζω ότι είναι λάθος.
Επειδή ο συγγραφέας είναι ιδιαίτερα αξιόπιστος, κάπως θα πρέπει να ξεκαθαριστεί, γιατί μπορεί να μπερδευτεί κόσμος.
Το bullying περιλαμβάνει και τη σωματική βία:

Bullying Definition
Bullying includes actions such as making threats, spreading rumors, attacking someone physically or verbally, and excluding someone from a group on purpose.

to hurt, intimidate, or persecute (a weaker or smaller person), esp to make him or her do something

behavior that frightens or hurts someone smaller or weaker

A person who uses strength or power to harm or intimidate those who are weaker.

Δείτε και τι ξύλο πέφτει στο τρέιλερ απ' αυτό το ταινιάκι, που λέγεται Βullied:



Staff member
Daisy Chain - Galvin Scott Davis

Writer/Director: Galvin Scott Davis | Narrator: Kate Winslet | Illustrator: Anthony Ishinjerro
Animator: Frederick Venet | Music by: Hylton Mowday | Production Company: Protein One

Buttercup Bree was a particularly thoughtful little girl
her favorite thing in all the world
was to pull and pluck and twist and twirl
Flowers in her path she'd claim
and make a pretty daisy chain

She took them to the playground where
she hoped the children liked to share
But the playground had been left for years
no thought for all its whoops and cheers
Where once the children slid and swung
the slide now sneered, the swing just hung

Buttercup looked from there to here
Maybe daisy chains would bring some cheer
She gave some flowers to the slide
and just like that, it seemed to smile
But jealous eyes were close at hand
bullies with a nasty plan

The bullies formed a ring of spite
and crowded in with dark delight
They took the chain, wound it round
and held poor Buttercup to the ground
They took her picture, laughed with glee
and pinned it to the nearest tree

The bullies went upon their way
and left poor Buttercup in dismay
But kinder eyes were closing in
a little boy, Benjamin*

He broke her chains, to some degree
stood up for her and set her free
"Don't cry, you're strong, it's not their fault
they just don't know, they've not been taught
We're different, special, you and me
The world just seems to disagree"

A little boy with big ideas
had come to help and squash her fears
Benjamin held a dandelion high
and shared it up toward the sky
"You're not alone, so don't be scared
A problem halved is one that's shared"

Buttercup scooped her daisies close
ahead she saw her picture post
They spread so far as she could see
the photos pinned to every tree
Buttercup and Benjamin went in the wood
took down the photos as best they could

The following day, Buttercup had a great idea
Share love with the playground that wallowed in fear
She'd show the bullies what sharing can do
and help them see the world as new

At the playground, Buttercup stitched and strung
her daisy chains would fix the fun
She fixed the roundabout, swing, and beams
her flowers made a place for dreams

Yet the bullies formed a ring of shame
they did not like her silly games
But as they brought their arms to bear
Buttercup met them with her stare

"Don't follow those that break the rules
You'll only make a chain of fools
Sharing isn't meant to hurt
It's meant to help, not dish the dirt"

They took a moment, looked around
then saw how Buttercup fixed the ground
"There's room enough for all of us
So grow up, play, don't make a fuss
I have more daisies for us to weave
I'll show you how, then you'll believe
Pinch one, push one, don't poke fun
Join together, then to become one"

The bullies felt a sting of shame
and asked if they could join the game
Daisy chains for all to see
Sharing love, that Buttercup Bree

And just who Buttercup wished for most
her friend who stopped that awful post
Benjamin appeared, he touched her face
"Just look at how you've changed this place"

Αν έχω κανένα λάθος, πείτε. Δε θ' άκουσα καλά.

Kate Winslet and the little Australian anti-bullying film that took on the world

* Benjamin Brewster in Dandelion by Galvin Scott Davis



Staff member
Καλά τα γράφει ο καθηγητής για τον bully, ότι είναι χαρακτηριστικό παράδειγμα λέξης που ξεκίνησε ως εύσημη και κατέληξε σε κακόσημη, αλλά σε κάποια σημεία τα μπερδεύει.

Από το ουσιαστικό bully (τον νταή που τρομοκρατεί τους άλλους), προέκυψε (με πρώτη καταγραφή το 1710, σύμφωνα με το OED) το ρήμα bully, «εκφοβίζω, τρομοκρατώ».
1710 Palmer Proverbs 69 His poor neighbour is bully'd by his big appearance.

Από το ρήμα bully σχηματίστηκε το ουσιαστικό bullying (και όχι bulling — το μεταγραμμένο «μπούλινγκ» αφαιρεί ένα «ι» για απλοποίηση), με πρώτη εμφάνιση, πάντα κατά το OED, το 1802:
1802 G. Rose Diaries (1860) I. 484 It is ridiculous to suppose she will mind our bullying when we cannot strike.

Όσο για τις αυτοκτονίες που προκαλεί αυτή η τρομοκρατία, γι’ αυτές δημιουργήθηκε το 2001 ο όρος bullycide, χωρίς εκείνο το παράταιρο i. Το βιβλίο που έφερε τον όρο, εδώ.



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Γίνεται ένα άλμα για λόγους οικονομίας, υποθέτω, του ελληνικού κειμένου, και αναρωτιέται κανείς για τη σχέση ανάμεσα σε bully και brother. Αντιγράφω από το etymonline:

1530s, "sweetheart," a term of endearment applied to either sex, of uncertain origin; perhaps from Dutch boel "lover; brother," which probably is a diminutive of Middle Dutch broeder "brother" (compare Middle High German buole "brother," source of German Buhle "lover;" see brother (n.)).