Or ;) for that matter to a school teacher before they start a new year?
The tradition among Greek actors is to say "Σκατά, σκατά, σκατά" (shit, shit, shit) to each other before they go on stage. You could say this is the equivalent of "break a leg". But it would sound weird if you said this to someone you don't know well. This is only appropriate between friends or people of the theater.
I suppose because the French actors' equivalent is "merde".
But you have to be an actor to say it!
If you really want to say something sincere (and not ironic) the only thing that comes to mind is "Κουράγιο" but that might sound a little negative. Like something you would say to someone who is going in for an operation.
"Σε σκεφτόμαστε" might be the most appropriate statement...
Βάλτε να παίζει και το "καλή έκβαση" που το συνηθίζω (κυρίως σε σοβαρά εγχειρήματα, αλλά και εγχειρήσεις) :up:
That's a nice expression @daeman. Would you say it for a medical procedure or something else?