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A word to the wise

When someone gives you a warning or a prediction, but does not want to appear that he or she is lecturing or giving unsolicited advice - they may use their own experience as an example - and then say, "A word to the wise is sufficient". We do not want to give obvious offence but hope they will take the hint.
Often it is said before warning somebody of something unknown, obscured or semi-secret:- eg.
--"A word to the wise - Susan and John are no longer living under the same roof.;)


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Δεν βοηθά πολύ η απόδοση «ο νοών νοείτω», που είναι περισσότερο η συνέχεια της αγγλικής έκφρασης. Η πλήρης ιδιωματική έκφραση είναι «A word to the wise is sufficient / enough», που μεταφράζει το λατινικό verbum sat sapienti ή verbum sapienti sat est. Παραδείγματα:

If I can give you a word to the wise, I would suggest going to the courthouse about an hour before your trial.
Here is a word to the wise. Keep your eyes open and your mouth shut.
A word to the wise - if you're going to drive, don't go on a Friday night until after the rush hour traffic.
I wouldn't trust him with money. A word to the wise, eh?
Donna hinted about Lisa's drinking problem to Lisa's fiancé, hoping that a word to the wise would be enough.

Μια απλή υπόδειξη / συμβουλή
Μια απλή συμβουλή έχω να σου δώσω
Μια κουβέντα θα σου πω (κι αν θέλεις μ’ ακούς)
Άκου που σου λέω
Άκου με και δεν θα το μετανιώσεις / και θα με θυμηθείς
Λίγα λόγια και καλά

Και για το τελευταίο παράδειγμα τού Theseus (A word to the wise - Susan and John are no longer living under the same roof):
Έχε υπόψη σου
Σ' το λέω να το ξέρεις
(often spelt: Στο λέω να το ξέρεις )

Και από το Oxford Dictionary of Proverbs:
A word to the wise is enough
Now often abbreviated to a word to the wise. Cf. L. verbum sat sapienti, a word is sufficient to a wise man; also verb. sap.
Few wordis may serve the wyis. [a 1513 Dunbar Poems (1979) 206]
Fewe woords to the wise suffice to be spoken. [1546 J. Heywood Dialogue of Proverbs II. vii. 14V]
They say, a word to the Wise is enough: so by this little French that he speakes, I see he is the very man I seeke for. [a 1605 W. Haughton Englishmen for my Money (1616) D3]
A word, Mons. Yorick, to the wise…is enough. [1768 Sterne Sentimental Journey III. 164]
‘Fred!’ cried Mr. Swiveller, tapping his nose, ‘a word to the wise is sufficient for them—we may be good and happy without riches, Fred.’ [1841 Dickens Old Curiosity Shop ii.]
The Man With the Proverbial Word to the Wise. [2002 Washington Times 25 Apr. C10 (heading)]
Ώστε αυτό θα πει verbum sapienti! Το ακούω από το 1988 και δεν ήξερα τι σημαίνει :-)
Δεν λέγανε επίσης "των φρονίμων ολίγα"; Ή αυτό είναι το sapienti pauca;


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Όλα αυτά, μια παρέα ήταν. Το ενδιαφέρον είναι ότι τώρα όλα αυτά εννοούνται. Δηλαδή:
A word to the wise = Μια κουβέντα θα σου πω (και άλλη δεν χρειάζεται / και ο νοών νοείτω / και των φρονίμων ολίγα).