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a tiger toilet

The Tiger Toilet is linked to a normal pour flush system, so the user experience is therefore the same as using a septic tank or a pour flush latrine. The waste then enters a tank which contains the worms and a drainage layer. The solids are trapped at the top of the system where the worms consume it, and the liquid is filtered through the drainage layer. Extensive laboratory scale trials found that the worms reduce the solids in the system by above 80%, and the effluent quality is higher than that from a septic tank. An initial prototype has been running at the Centre for Alternative Technology in Wales, UK for over a year.

USAID’s Stage 1 investment will support a six-month trial of this Tiger Toilet system in three countries: India, Uganda, and Myanmar. This ambitious pilot will not only test the technology in three different geographic locations, but also in three different contexts: rural communities, peri-urban areas, and a displaced persons camp. It will be the first trial of the Tiger Toilet with real households.

It is called the 'tiger [worm] toilet' because of the use of striped tiger worms as being most effective in the system. See for a photograph of this worm.

I am looking for a neologism (?) in Greek to describe this invention.


Staff member
You probably know, Theseus, that septic tanks are emptied with special tanker trucks. Many of those trucks in Greece carry names like Αχόρταγος (Insatiable) and it is along those lines that I would try to find a Greek name for commercial use.

(For anyone interested in a special toy, the picture was taken from here)


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Thanks, good Dr. I wonder if you would care to hazard a suggestion? The basic thing needed is a trench filled with stones, human excrement & lots of branding/tiger worms. I am short of inspiration on this one!:(


Staff member
Nothing better than Αχόρταγα Σκουλήκια. The brand name is already set, everybody understands their function.


Staff member
Nothing better than Αχόρταγα Σκουλήκια. The brand name is already set, everybody understands their function.

Los tigres fataulos! :p And the jingle, too:

Tragan y Beben Peces en el Rio (Swallow & Drink Fish in the River) - Los Tres Tristes Tigres

:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol: Τίποτα όρθιο, ούτε γλωσσοδέτες, ούτε κάλαντα! Πάνε οι παραδόσεις! Down the drain, μαζί με τις δίαιτες.
Να 'σαι καλά, daeman, δεν τα ήξερα τα παλικάρια.
:laugh:Thanks for the extra info, 'Man & AoratiMelani: los tigres fataulos...hahaha. I hope they enjoy their feasting---open all hours: ΚΑΤΟΥΡΟΣΚΑΤΑ.:eek:mg:;):clap: