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a pipe and slippers man = σπιτόγατος, μούχλας

What might be the Greek for this idiom::
A pipe and slippers man
A person who is old before their time. Often used to describe someone who marries young and is likely to be in bed before midnight on a Saturday.
Friend 1: 'Did you say that Ryan is coming out this weekend?'
Friend 2: 'No, mate. He's at home watching Gardners' World. He's gone proper Pipe and Slippers, nowadays.'
Often also used for a contented stay at home man, who is not interested in an active, social life. :clap::up:


New member
I can think of "μούχλας" (comes from the greek word for mold) - a person who doesn't go out of the house much and is considered to be boring.


Staff member
σπιτόγατος: χαρακτηρισμός ανθρώπου που αγαπά υπερβολικά τη ζωή μέσα στο σπίτι, που περνά τον ελεύθερο χρόνο του μέσα στο σπίτι: Aπό τότε που παντρεύτηκε έγινε σπιτόγατος.