What is the meaning of this phrase metaphorically? 'Top dog'? 'Bee's knees'? Here is one context:-
Μετά που πήγε στο πανεπιστήμιο, ξέκοψε από όλους, ξεκίνησε τα γυμναστήρια, έκανε νέους φίλους και το 'παιζε πως στο σχολείο ήταν πρώτη μούρη!
Thanks for the cross reference, Sarant. There are some interesting similarly rhyming variants there, like: Πρίμα στη Λίμα (τα περνάμε) [different meaning]; «Όλο νάζι στο Μπουρνάζι» & the English 'first boy in Hanoi'. See also for a recent discovery on my part:- https://www.translatum.gr/forum/index.php?topic=258304.0
γαϊτανάκι= αλληλουχία a sequence
Daeman started a rhyming sequence of the X (adjective) in Y (location) and asked for others to add to the same sequence.
Thanks, SBE. But, first, I don't understand ο γ.γ. & second, did you mean the x (noun) in y (location)? I have probably misunderstood you but the examples given follow this pattern? :)