Η έκφραση είναι από τα αγγλικά και από την εποχή του Ρούζβελτ.
Το βρίσκουμε και σε τίτλους βιβλίων με πιο γνωστό το FDR: The First Hundred Days του Anthony Badger.
Με λεπτομέρειες εδώ:
The First 100 Days: Franklin Roosevelt Pioneered the 100-Day Concept
Ή στην Καθημερινή:
Κρίσιμες οι πρώτες εκατό ημέρες στην ηγεσία
Είναι λάθος το «100 πρώτες ημέρες»;
The First Hundred Days
Roosevelt entered office with enormous political capital. Americans of all political persuasions were demanding immediate action, and Roosevelt responded with a remarkable series of new programs in the “first hundred days” of the administration, in which he met with Congress for 100 days. During those 100 days of lawmaking, Congress granted every request Roosevelt asked, and passed a few programs (such as the FDIC to insure bank accounts) that he opposed. Ever since, presidents have been judged against FDR for what they accomplished in their first 100 days.
Roosevelt entered office with enormous political capital. Americans of all political persuasions were demanding immediate action, and Roosevelt responded with a remarkable series of new programs in the “first hundred days” of the administration, in which he met with Congress for 100 days. During those 100 days of lawmaking, Congress granted every request Roosevelt asked, and passed a few programs (such as the FDIC to insure bank accounts) that he opposed. Ever since, presidents have been judged against FDR for what they accomplished in their first 100 days.
Το βρίσκουμε και σε τίτλους βιβλίων με πιο γνωστό το FDR: The First Hundred Days του Anthony Badger.
Με λεπτομέρειες εδώ:
The First 100 Days: Franklin Roosevelt Pioneered the 100-Day Concept
Ή στην Καθημερινή:
Κρίσιμες οι πρώτες εκατό ημέρες στην ηγεσία
Είναι λάθος το «100 πρώτες ημέρες»;