

Well-known member
By trying to define the adverb (I nearly used adverbial, here) form of the term, in my above post, I thought it could help, perhaps, in the understanding of the term and the concept itself?


Καλή Χρονιά!
Για να διευκολυνθεί η κατανόηση του επίρρημα "νομοτελειακα" (αφήνοντας κατά μέρος, την πιο αυστηρή και ακριβή μετάφραση του όρου), εκτός από το inescapably, που προαναφέρθηκε από τον nickel, και που μ' άρεσε (αλλά νομίζω χρειάζεται να στηριχθεί και να εδραιωθεί από ορισμένα άλλα επίθετα - όπως έχω προτείνει παρακάτω) , σκεφτικά ότι θα μπορούσαν. ίσως, ενίοτε, να ταιριάζουν (για το "νομοτελειακα") και ..
"by definition",
by its (very) nature,
inherently or inherently bound/prescribed/predermined,
innately or innately bound/prescribed/predetermined,
inescapably bound/tied/prescribed/predetermined.

Κατά την ταπεινή μου γνώμη.
As there's no equivalent term in English, it's not easy to make sense of it, and the above is just my (feeble) attempt to grapple with the term.

You missed "ineluctably" and "unavoidably". That just about covers all bases, I think. :)

Happy New Year pontios and I hope that we'll be reading many more of your posts in '13.


Well-known member
Happy New Year to you, cougr!
Yes, all bases have indeed been covered.

What I was trying to suggest( boiled down), is; that in order to understand the term, νομοτελειακά, the adjective "predetermined" needs to be implied, (together with "inescapably","unavoidably","ineluctably" etc).

i.e. νομοτελειακέ = (to understand the term, better).
inescapably predetermined (predetermined is being implied, here).
unavoidably predetermined etc...
i.e. νομοτελειακέ cannot simply be thought of as being the equivalent of "inescapably".
Εγώ στο εύρημα του sarant (Σίδερις, Αλφρέδος Μάρσαλ) παρατήρησα ως προς τα διπλά σύμφωνα στο τέλος ότι γράφει Μάρσαλ αλλά γράφει Μίλλ.


Well-known member
Happy New Year to you, cougr!
Χρόνια πολλά και για την γιορτή σου.
Yes, all bases have indeed been covered.

What I was trying to suggest( boiled down), is; that in order to understand the term, νομοτελειακά, the adjective "predetermined" needs to be implied, (together with "inescapably","unavoidably","ineluctably" etc).

i.e. νομοτελειακέ = (to understand the term, better).
inescapably predetermined (predetermined is being implied, here).
unavoidably predetermined etc...
i.e. νομοτελειακέ cannot simply be thought of as being the equivalent of "inescapably".

I just put on my glasses (which I should have been wearing, when I posted earlier), and I realised that Ι wrote νομοτελειακέ instead of νομοτελειακά. :wub:
I was also in a hurry (to visit my parents - seriously, I'm not making excuses!).:inno:

What I was trying to say was -
"νομοτελειακά" cannot simply be thought of as being the equivalent of "inescapably" or "unavoidably" - you need to consider it as if the adjective predetermined is also being implied, if you want to make sense of the term. This is the way I make sense of the term, in English, anyway.
ι.ε. νομοτελειακά = inescapably predetermined or unavoidably predetermined etc...
This also ties in with the earlier posts re: νομοτέλεια / "determinism".