[ad. Gr. µῑσ-έλλην, f. µῑσ(ο)-, f. µῑσ-εῖν to hate + Ἕλλην Hellene, after philhellene a. and n.]
One who dislikes or is opposed to Greece or the Greeks. Hence misheˈllenic a.
1958 R. Liddell Morea i. 16 Those two learned, grumpy, and extremely mishellenic travellers, Edward Dodwell and Sir William Gell. Ibid. 23 To the grumpy Mishellene, it is all merely boring and tiresome. 1972 W. St. Clair That Greece might still be Free xxxi. 350 Henry Lytton Bulwer‥became violently pro-Turkish in the Greek-Turkish questions later in the century. David Urquhart‥also became a noted mishellene.
Απάντησις τω μισέλληνι ποιητή της Γαλλίας Α. Λαμαρτίνω = Réponse au poète mishellène de la France A. de Lamartine. / Υπό Ε. Ιωαννίδου. 1858 http://anemi.lib.uoc.gr/search/?dta...eep_number=10&old_offset=1&search_help=detail
Σ' ευχαριστώ! Βέβαια, το mishellene δεν το βρήκα στο atilf, γι' αυτό και ρώτησα, αλλά αφού το είπε ο Ιωαννίδης κι αφού λένε misanthrope, misogyne κτλ. γιατί να μην το δεχτούμε;