
I have come across this filler in many contexts but, surprisingly, none of my dictionaries has it. I think it must men 'say' or something similar. Here is an example from my reading:-' on the branches of the trees there hung the early morning dewdrops. Μοιάζουν, λες, με μεστωμένους καρπούς, που είναι έτοιμοι να πέσουν στην γη.


Mod Almighty
Staff member
They look, one would think, like ripe fruit, ready to fall down from the tree.
You'd think they were ripe fruit, ready to fall down from the tree.

etc. :)


Staff member
I say! :-)

say: 2.1. Used parenthetically to indicate that something is being suggested as possible or likely but not certain:
‘the form might include, say, a dozen questions’

λέω: [...] 12.β. υποθέτω, φαντάζομαι: Aς πούμε / πες πως είναι αλήθεια. Δε σε ρώτησα, γιατί είπα ότι θα συμφωνούσες κι εσύ. Ποιος να το 'λεγε ότι θα φτάσουμε σ' αυτό το σημείο! Γιατί, λες, περίμενα τόσο πολύ; Είπα κι εγώ! || (έκφρ.) λες και…, σαν να, για κτ. που δεν ισχύει στην πραγματικότητα, για κτ. που αποκλείεται να γίνει: Λες και ήταν χτες που ήμουν φοιτητής. Tου φέρεται λες και είναι δούλος της. Λες και το ΄ξερε. Tι μου την επαινείς; Λες και θα την παντρευτώ. [...]
25. ΦΡ και εκφράσεις ας πούμε, ιδίως σε παραδείγματα: Παίρνουμε δύο χημικά στοιχεία, ας πούμε το νάτριο και το κάλιο. Έλα το απόγευμα στο σπίτι, ας πούμε στις έξι.

They look like, say, ripe fruits, ready to fall.

Just an alternative to Palavra's "one would think" which explains the meaning more clearly; just to show how similarly "say" is used in Greek and English in this case, with the doctor's "one could say" as a bridge in between.
Thanks for all this information & help. I should have looked in the greek-language.gr. Portal. Sometimes, however, the entries in such a comprehensive dictionary can be daunting. :mellow:


Staff member
... Sometimes, however, the entries in such a comprehensive dictionary can be daunting. :mellow:

Indeed, Theseus, the one for λέω looked daunting to me also, like, say, a labyrinth of senses and expressions, but I drank my coffee strong today :-), not to mention that it's certainly easier for a native speaker to find the way in such a maze.