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καλλιέργεια = (med.) culture


Hello friends,

A friend just had a series of blood tests done and one of them was called " Καλλιέργειες". I tried to translate it but the only word that comes up is "Crops" which doesn't seem to be a medical term in English. If someone could translate it I would really appreciate it.

Thank you.


Active member
I tried to translate it but the only word that comes up is "Crops"
Please note that Google Translate takes context into account. So, if you translate the first sentence of your question into Greek and then back into English, you would get the following:
A friend just had a series of blood tests and one of them was called "Cultures".
ChatGPT can also answer your question exactly as you phrased it. However, in Lexilogia you will always get the most informed and reliable answers :-)