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Το παιδί μου είναι προβληματισμένο


Dear friends,

What exactly are the nuances of this expression? Is it “My child is troubled/ has difficulties” or is it “My child is suspicious/ cautious?” or something else?

I am looking for “My child is troubled/ has difficulties.”

Thank you.


Active member
You might consider something along the lines of Το παιδί μου δυσκολεύεται/ζορίζεται...
(I'm sure more suggestions will follow...)


Staff member
Προβληματισμένος, depending on the context, can mean concerned / worried, but in other cases it can be puzzled / perplexed, or bothered by sth, or preoccupied with sth, or pondering on/over sth.


Thank you, guys. Your answers are very helpful, but what I am looking for are the words for when someone has been emotionally injured by some live events and is struggling. Not thriving. Having trouble getting going in life.

"Τραυματισμένος/ πληγωμένος" seem like they apply more to physical injuries. Is there anything else?


Active member
πληγωμένος seems like it applies more to physical injuries
Not necessarily.
Look at definition 2 provided by ΛΚΝ:
(μτφ.) που του έχουν προξενήσει μεγάλη λύπη, πόνο, που τον έχουν προσβάλει βαριά: Πληγωμένη καρδιά / ψυχή / περηφάνια / αξιοπρέπεια. Ο ~ του εγωισμός ζητούσε εκδίκηση.
Also, the definitions of the verb πληγώνω by ΧΛΝΕΓ and ΛΚΝ.
Είναι πληγωμένος can certainly be used in either sense - physically or emotionally injured - depending on context.
Also consider: Έχει πληγωθεί / Τον/Την έχουν πληγώσει / Έχει περάσει δυσκολίες/ζόρια / Έχει περάσει δύσκολα / Έχει φάει κατραπακιές (on a 'folksier' register)...
[και τώρα] παιδεύεται / δυσκολεύεται (να βρει τα πατήματά του/της) / ζορίζεται / βασανίζεται (in order of ascending intensity, sort of)...

There are really numerous to ways to say this.
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I am looking for “My child is troubled/ has difficulties.”
You may also want to consider:
το παιδί μου έχει δυσκολίες
έχει δυσκολίες συμπεριφοράς
έχει συναισθηματικές δυσκολίες etc

"Το παιδί μου είναι προβληματισμένο" tends to have a slightly different meaning (or meanings), as described by Zazula in #3 above.