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Say what? Why film translators are in a war of words over subtitles
Say what? Why film translators are in a war of words over subtitles
I once went to a lecture on film translation by Susan Bassnett from the University of Warwick. Wikipedia describes her as 'a translation theorist and scholar of comparative literature' and so I guess she knows what she is talking about. She made the very interesting point that in Europe there is a strong historical correlation between a country having (a) totalitarian period(s) in the twentieth century and its using dubbing, whereas countries that have a more democratic history tend to favour subtitles;
Η περίπτωση της Ελλάδας και της Γαλλίας δείχνουν το ακριβώς αντίθετο (μάλιστα μια παλιά έρευνα για τον λειτουργικό αναλφαβητισμό στη Γαλλία θεωρούσε τη μεταγλώττιση ταινιών βασικό παράγοντα). Για άλλες χώρες δεν ξέρω.She made the very interesting point that in Europe there is a strong historical correlation between a country having (a) totalitarian period(s) in the twentieth century and its using dubbing, whereas countries that have a more democratic history tend to favour subtitles
Η ταπεινή μου άποψη: δεν περίμεναν να γίνει τόσο σουξέ το Καλαμάρι. Αλλιώς θα έδιναν μεγαλύτερη προσοχή, όπως ήδη κάνουν με όσα θεωρούν "χάι προφάιλ".So why, as the streaming giant scores more global hits with shows like Squid Game and Call My Agent, isn’t it trying harder to find the right words?