Κάποτε μου άρεσαν τα αστυνομικά, τα ρουφούσα. Δεν θυμάμαι πόσες αγκαθοκρίστες διάβασα στα γυμνασιακά χρόνια, και όχι μόνο — αποκεί πρέπει να έμαθα τα μισά αγγλικά μου. Τώρα βλέπω μόνο ταινίες. Να, χτες είδα την πρώτη ταινία (Thorne: Sleepyhead) της αγγλικής αστυνομικής σειράς Thorne. Ήταν, επομένως, πολύ στενάχωρο που συνειδητοποίησα ότι μου είναι άγνωστο το έργο των 10 καλύτερων σύγχρονων συγγραφέων αστυνομικών ιστοριών, σύμφωνα τουλάχιστον με τον Brian Oliver, αθλητικογράφο της εφημερίδας Observer. Εντελώς άγνωστα και κάποια ονόματα. Απόλαυσα πάντως το σημείωμα για τον Πέτρο Μάρκαρη:
Petros Markaris
There is no better writer on traffic jams anywhere in the world. Markaris, a successful playwright and screenwriter, uses the traffic as a way of portraying the mess that is modern Athens, and offers plenty more on its confused politics and business life. His central character, Inspector Costas Haritos, was a “baddie” under the military dictatorship. He reads dictionaries, jokes about racism and immigration – “There are two things I can’t stand. Racism, and blacks” – and loves stuffed peppers, his wife’s recipe for which appears as an addendum to one novel.
There is no better writer on traffic jams anywhere in the world. Markaris, a successful playwright and screenwriter, uses the traffic as a way of portraying the mess that is modern Athens, and offers plenty more on its confused politics and business life. His central character, Inspector Costas Haritos, was a “baddie” under the military dictatorship. He reads dictionaries, jokes about racism and immigration – “There are two things I can’t stand. Racism, and blacks” – and loves stuffed peppers, his wife’s recipe for which appears as an addendum to one novel.