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Επειδή το καλοκαιράκι μπήκε και όλοι (ή σχεδόν όλοι) κάνουμε σχέδια για διακοπές, ορίστε δύο χρήσιμοι σύνδεσμοι για όσους σκοπεύουν να την κάνουν προς εξωτερικό. Πρόκειται για δύο από τους πιο δημοφιλείς και έγκυρους οδηγούς, τους Lonely Planet και Rough Guides, που προσφέρουν τμήμα του υλικού τους σε ηλεκτρονική μορφή. Εν καιρώ θα προσθέσω και άλλους, πολύ καλούς επίσης.
Θα βρείτε και πληροφορίες για την Ελλάδα, όπως αυτή στον Rough που με έκανε να χαμογελάσω:
The Evil Eye
Belief in the Evil Eye (in Greek, simply to máti or "the Eye") is pan-Mediterranean and goes at least as far back as Roman times, but nowhere has it hung on so tenaciously as in Greece (and neighbouring coastal Turkey). In a nutshell, whenever something attractive, valuable or unusual – an infant, a new car, a prized animal – becomes suddenly, inexplicably indisposed, it is assumed to be matiasméno or "eyed". Blue-eyed individuals are thought most capable of casting this spell, always unintentionally or at least unconsciously (unlike máyia or wilful black magic). The diagnosis is confirmed by discreet referral to a "wise woman", who is also versed in the proper counter-spell. But prevention is always better than cure, and this involves two main strategies. When admiring something or someone, the admirer – blue-eyed or otherwise – must mock-spit ("phtoo, phtoo, phtoo!") to counteract any stirrings of envy which, according to anthropologists, are the root-cause of the Eye. And the proud owners or parents will protect the object of admiration in advance with a blue amulet, hung about the baby's/animal's neck or the car's rear-view mirror, or even painted directly onto a boat-bow.
Θα βρείτε και πληροφορίες για την Ελλάδα, όπως αυτή στον Rough που με έκανε να χαμογελάσω:
The Evil Eye
Belief in the Evil Eye (in Greek, simply to máti or "the Eye") is pan-Mediterranean and goes at least as far back as Roman times, but nowhere has it hung on so tenaciously as in Greece (and neighbouring coastal Turkey). In a nutshell, whenever something attractive, valuable or unusual – an infant, a new car, a prized animal – becomes suddenly, inexplicably indisposed, it is assumed to be matiasméno or "eyed". Blue-eyed individuals are thought most capable of casting this spell, always unintentionally or at least unconsciously (unlike máyia or wilful black magic). The diagnosis is confirmed by discreet referral to a "wise woman", who is also versed in the proper counter-spell. But prevention is always better than cure, and this involves two main strategies. When admiring something or someone, the admirer – blue-eyed or otherwise – must mock-spit ("phtoo, phtoo, phtoo!") to counteract any stirrings of envy which, according to anthropologists, are the root-cause of the Eye. And the proud owners or parents will protect the object of admiration in advance with a blue amulet, hung about the baby's/animal's neck or the car's rear-view mirror, or even painted directly onto a boat-bow.