Don't download this song - "Weird Al" Yankovic
Not to be confused with Download This Song.
"Don't Download This Song" is the first single from "Weird Al" Yankovic's 12th studio album Straight Outta Lynwood. The song was released exclusively on August 21, 2006 as a digital download. It is a style parody of "We Are the World", "Voices That Care", "Hands Across America", "Heal the World" and other similar charity songs. The song "describes the perils of online music file-sharing" in a tongue-in-cheek manner. To further the sarcasm, the song is freely available for streaming and download (legally) in "DRM-free" MPEG fileformat at Weird Al's Myspace page, as well as his YouTube channel.
Once in a while maybe you will feel the urge
To break international copyright law
By downloading MP3s from file-sharing sites
Like Morpheus or Grokster or LimeWire or KaZaA
But deep in your heart you know the guilt would drive you mad
And the shame would leave a permanent scar
'Cause you start out stealing songs, and then you're robbing liquor stores
And selling crack and running over school kids with your car
So don't download this song
The record store's where you belong
Go and buy the CD like you know that you should
Oh don't download this song
Oh you don't want to mess with the R I double A
They'll sue you if you burn that CD-R
It doesn't matter if you're a grandma or a 7-year-old girl
They'll treat you like the evil, hard-bitten criminal scum you are
So don't download this song
Don't go pirating music all day long
Go and buy the CD like you know that you should
Oh, don't download this song
Don't take away money from artists just like me
How else can I afford another solid gold Humvee?
And diamond-studded swimming pools, these things don't grow on trees
So all I ask is everybody, please...
Don't download this song
(Don't do it, no, no)
Even Lars Ulrich knows it's wrong
(You can just ask him)
Go and buy the CD like you know that you should
(You really should)
Oh, don't download this song...
Don't download this song
(Oh please don't you do it)
Or you might wind up in jail like Tommy Chong
(Remember Tommy)
Go and buy the CD (Right Now) like you know that you should
(Go out and buy it)
Oh don't download this song...
Don't download this song
(No no no no no no)
Or you'll burn in Hell before too long
(And you'd deserve it)
Go and buy the CD (Just buy it) like you know that you should
(Ya cheap bastard)
Oh, don't download this song
Ith it thtill allowed to whithtle thith tune, Mathter?
Or will the thcaremongerin' RIAA (or AEPI) lawmongerth thue me?
Dinothauria, Deinotheria.