I'm tidying up loose ends of the whole poem, which I hope to finish soon. This couplet is found at the end of Canto I & V:-
Κουράγιο, μικροκόρη μας, που μας εγίνεις μάνα,
ύμνος και θρήνος της ζωής κι ανάστασης καμπάνα.
Cyprus is the youngest sister in the sense, I suppose, that she is the latest island who wants ένωση with the rest of Greece (though it seems that Archbisop Makarios wanted independence from Greece?) but in what sense has Cyprus become 'our mother'? The first to raise the standard of revolt against the Junta?
Κουράγιο, μικροκόρη μας, που μας εγίνεις μάνα,
ύμνος και θρήνος της ζωής κι ανάστασης καμπάνα.
Cyprus is the youngest sister in the sense, I suppose, that she is the latest island who wants ένωση with the rest of Greece (though it seems that Archbisop Makarios wanted independence from Greece?) but in what sense has Cyprus become 'our mother'? The first to raise the standard of revolt against the Junta?