This sentence from the above author is puzzling me:
Ο φίλος μου είχε ένα θείο τραπεζιτικό (νύχι) που τον βοηθούσε στη δουλειά. Είχε τόσο βεβαιωθεί πως το σύμβολο του διανοούμενου ήτανε το νυχάκι που με όλες τις φωνές του δασκάλου [telling him to cut it??] δεν εννοούσε τ' αποχωριστεί. Το περιποιότανε ιδιαίτερα.
Does it mean:"My friend had a perfect fingernail for banking [for thumbing bank notes with??], which helped him at work. He was so convinced that the the little nail was the mark of an intellectual that despite all the shouts of his teacher he had no intention of parting with it. He took special care of it." :curse:
Ο φίλος μου είχε ένα θείο τραπεζιτικό (νύχι) που τον βοηθούσε στη δουλειά. Είχε τόσο βεβαιωθεί πως το σύμβολο του διανοούμενου ήτανε το νυχάκι που με όλες τις φωνές του δασκάλου [telling him to cut it??] δεν εννοούσε τ' αποχωριστεί. Το περιποιότανε ιδιαίτερα.
Does it mean:"My friend had a perfect fingernail for banking [for thumbing bank notes with??], which helped him at work. He was so convinced that the the little nail was the mark of an intellectual that despite all the shouts of his teacher he had no intention of parting with it. He took special care of it." :curse: