Catchiest? Perhaps "most recognizable"? ...
"Most recognizable" they are, indeed, but you know how the tune goes in titles.
"The most recognizable" is not as catchy as "The catchiest."

Πιασάρικοι τίτλοι, εξτραβαγκάντσες.
Αλλά διαμαρτύρονται κι άλλοι στα σχόλια
εκεί, π.χ.
Lady Gaga is on the list twice but nothing by the Beatles or Rolling Stones? How can the average person not instantly recognize "Yesterday" or "(I Can't Get No) Satisfaction"?
Απαντά κάποιος:
Re the absence of Beatles and Rolling Stones songs: Copyright issues. These two band are notoriously picky about the use of their songs.
"Nothing by the Beatles or Rolling Stones"? :woot: Well, they're humming a tune without hearing it first:
How was the genre of music picked?
The aim was to get a high proportion of easily recognisable tracks so it was decided to use pop music.
Why are there different decades?
In order to engage a large cross-section of the population there had to be music to suit everyone.
How was the music picked per decade?
The top 50 selling tracks from each decade were chosen, sold during that period.
How much music is there in the system?
There are 276 tracks divided into around 1,000 clips so if you pick the "All" category you can play "Recognise that Tune" over a thousand times before hearing everything.
I seemed to hear a lot of Beatles tracks?
In the 60s category there are many Beatles tracks since the Beatles dominated the charts in the 60s.[/SPOΙLER] ...
Όσο έπαιξα πάντως (όσο πρόκαμα πριν ξαναπέσω στο μαγκανοπήγαδο), σε καμιά εικοσαριά δείγματα τραγουδιών που άκουσα από όλες τις δεκαετίες, από του '40 μέχρι σήμερα, τα πέντε ήταν των Beatles, και αυθεντικές ηχογραφήσεις από τους ίδιους, και τραγουδιών τους από άλλους. Για να βεβαιωθώ μετά τα παράπονα των μενταλφλοσικών σχολιαστών, έπαιξα μόλις τώρα άλλη μια εικοσάδα, πάλι από όλες τις δεκαετίες, και ιδού τα αποτελέσματα που δεν δικαιολογούν την γκρίνια τους:
They can't get no satisfaction; they should floss their ears (and what's in between) and mouths.
Παρακούσματα, φαλτσαρίσματα και παραφωνίες.