Βρε πώς μπατιρίσαμε που σαρανταρίσαμε (for SBE)


ωραίος= που προκαλεί ένα συναίσθημα ευαρέσκειας, ευχαρίστησης, ικανοποίησης κτλ. (from here, it's δ)
τα ωραία= όσα προκαλούν συναίσθημα ευαρέσκειας, ευχαρίστησης, ικανοποίησης κτλ.
I never thought I'd need to use a dictionary for that, but that's Lexi for you.
Here's another occasion where the same word is used in the same way: έλα να νιώσεις πώς είν'η ζωή, κι όλα τα ωραία μέχρι το πρωί.

whereas here they talk about τα όμορφα (same difference)
Thanks, SBE. I have already looked up the references you here suggested but still hummed and hawed about the best way to render these terms into English. That's why I translated τα ωραία as "the good things in our life". Can you suggest a better and more accurate rendering? :)


Τhe good things in life are things like family etc. The "good things" they talk about here are the things you do to have fun.