Κι αυτό εδώ:
"Direct ownership of real property is understood as a situation, where a person owns a
dwelling (a detached house, semi-detached house, a terraced house) and also the real property
unit (parcel) the house is built on. The possession of the real property unit can also be based
on a site leasehold agreement. In direct ownership the ownership or other property rights are
fastened directly to the real property without any additional organizational structures affecting
In all the countries studied, it is possible for several persons to own a good (e. g. a real
property unit) together in co-ownership (a form of direct ownership). In co-ownership the
ownership all owners have same rights to the real property unit and the enjoyment of the
property belongs to all joint owners.
In the case of co-ownership each joint owner owns the real property with other joint owners.
As a main rule, in absence of special agreements the undivided shares are supposed equal.
The decisions related to the undivided property often require a majority decision, but owners
are able to sell and mortgage their shares individually."
Το οποίο είναι ουσιαστικά αυτό που λέει ο nickel παραπάνω.
Προφανώς, το νομικό καθεστώς διαφέρει από χώρα σε χώρα και γι'΄αυτό αναρωτιέμαι αν θα ήταν καλύτερη μια γενική ή κυριολεκτική μετάφραση (με υποσημείωση, ίσως; )