A nurdle, also known as a pre-production plastic pellet or plastic resin pellet, is a plastic pellet typically under 5 mm (0.20 in) in diameter found outside of the typical plastics manufacturing stream. Pellets are an intermediate good used to produce plastic final products, while a nurdle is scrap.
Nurdles are a major contributor to marine debris. [...]
(wikipedia)Nurdles are a major contributor to marine debris. [...]
Mermaid tears
Λέγονται επίσης "mermaid tears", αν και όπως ξεκαθαρίζει εδώ, ο όρος mermaid tears σημαίνει δύο πράγματα:
There are two types of mermaid tears. The first is a unit of plastic known as a nurdle. [...]because nurdles are so small, they are hard to contain, and they slip away from containers and into waterways or into the ocean directly.
The other form of mermaid tear is a small piece of plastic similar in size to a nurdle, caused by the wearing down of finished plastic items. For example, if a broken plastic cup ends up in the ocean, the parts will slowly break up even further, turning into small plastic mermaid tears.[...]As they get smaller and smaller, mermaid tears are harmful to more and more organisms in the sea, as well.
The other form of mermaid tear is a small piece of plastic similar in size to a nurdle, caused by the wearing down of finished plastic items. For example, if a broken plastic cup ends up in the ocean, the parts will slowly break up even further, turning into small plastic mermaid tears.[...]As they get smaller and smaller, mermaid tears are harmful to more and more organisms in the sea, as well.
Στα ελληνικά χρησιμοποιείται μάλλον ισοπεδωτικά ο όρος πλαστικά σφαιρίδια. Στα ευρήματα, θα συναντήσουμε τα πλαστικά σφαιρίδια ως βιομηχανική πρώτη ύλη (για κατασκευή πλαστικών αλλά και για αποχρωματισμούς), ως πυρομαχικό (σε όπλα καταστολής και σε όπλα paintball), και ως επιβλαβή ουσία για τα θαλάσσια οικοσυστήματα.
Μήπως αξίζει ένας διαχωρισμός των όρων, βασισμένος ίσως στα «δάκρυα των (κακών) νεράιδων»;