Δεν έχει τη χρήση της εταιρείας βιτρίνα στο κείμενό μου αλλά κάτι αντίστοιχο:
A shell company is a company that exists but does not actually do any business or have any assets. [...] A shell company can also mean a company that has never had a business (and certainly not a listing). In this context it often means what is also called a shelf company. These are incorporated purely to sell off-the-shelf. This offers a convenient alternative to setting up a company from scratch (the name of the company can be changed, new directors appointed, and possibly shares issued).
Εκτός από το προφανές με το κέλυφος που το δίνει και η ΙΑΤΕ και ο Χρυσοβιτσιώτης, έχετε καμιά άλλη πρόταση ή αυτό είναι παγιωμένο πια;
Έδιτ: το έχω δει και αυτό του user-what's-his-name :) στο Προζ.
A shell company is a company that exists but does not actually do any business or have any assets. [...] A shell company can also mean a company that has never had a business (and certainly not a listing). In this context it often means what is also called a shelf company. These are incorporated purely to sell off-the-shelf. This offers a convenient alternative to setting up a company from scratch (the name of the company can be changed, new directors appointed, and possibly shares issued).
Εκτός από το προφανές με το κέλυφος που το δίνει και η ΙΑΤΕ και ο Χρυσοβιτσιώτης, έχετε καμιά άλλη πρόταση ή αυτό είναι παγιωμένο πια;
Έδιτ: το έχω δει και αυτό του user-what's-his-name :) στο Προζ.