Καλημέρα. Να ρωτήσω αν υπάρχει έγκριτη μετάφραση του Don Juan του λόρδου Βύρωνα; Συγκεκριμένα, με ενδιαφέρει το εξής απόσπασμα:
Good company ’s a chess-board- there are kings,
Queens, bishops, knights, rooks, pawns; the world ’s a game;
Save that the puppets pull at their own strings,
Methinks gay Punch hath something of the same.
My Muse, the butterfly hath but her wings,
Not stings, and flits through ether without aim,
Alighting rarely:- were she but a hornet,
Perhaps there might be vices which would mourn it.
Good company ’s a chess-board- there are kings,
Queens, bishops, knights, rooks, pawns; the world ’s a game;
Save that the puppets pull at their own strings,
Methinks gay Punch hath something of the same.
My Muse, the butterfly hath but her wings,
Not stings, and flits through ether without aim,
Alighting rarely:- were she but a hornet,
Perhaps there might be vices which would mourn it.