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Speed cameras


Good morning friends,

There are streets on our island where motorcycle riders drive at unbelievably fast and dangerous speeds.
What do we call the speed cameras that one sees deployed on the streets that photograph people that are speeding and giving them tickets? I know they exist in the United States. Are they ever used in Greece? I would like to go in and suggest it to the mayor.

Thank you.



Κάμερες ελέγχου της ταχύτητας or in short, κάμερες ταχύτητας.
In Greece, we usually call them κάμερες διαχείρισης κυκλοφορίας because they are supposed to be used to monitor traffic, but I think they're also used to record infractions.


They're traffic control cameras and are principally used for a different purpose. The agency that operates them isn't authorised to collect personal data and isn't involved with the issuing of infringement notices.


Staff member
There are streets on our island where motorcycle riders drive at unbelievably fast and dangerous speeds.
Which island is that? :unsure:
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