
Χτες έπεσα πάνω σε αυτό:

"Το 2006, στο λεξιλόγιο της αγγλικής γλώσσας εντάχθηκε η λέξη pizzled, ένας συνδυασμός των λέξεων puzzled (μπερδεμένος) και pissed (εκνευρισμένος). Η λέξη αποτυπώνει το αίσθημα που βιώνουμε όταν ο άνθρωπος με τον οποίο είμαστε μαζί βγάζει ένα κινητό και αρχίζει να συνομιλεί με κάποιον άλλο. Εκείνη την περίοδο οι άνθρωποι αισθάνονταν πληγωμένοι και αγανακτισμένοι. Σήμερα αυτή η κατάσταση έχει γίνει ο κανόνας".

(Daniel Goleman, Focus, μτφρ. Ηρ. Οικονόμου-Χρ. Ξενάκη, εκδ. Πεδίο 2016)

The feeling you get when someone whips out their Blackberry aka crackberry or cell phone and begins having a conversation with someone. It's a cross between pissed off and puzzled.


Staff member
Τρομερά ενοχλητική συνήθεια. Για μένα δεν είναι διόλου ο κανόνας. Απεναντίας ζητώ (ευγενικά) από τον συνομιλητή μου να μη διασπά την προσοχή του όσο είναι μαζί μου.


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Man beaten with bull’s penis

Cayman News | 13/10/2010
(CNS): Police have confirmed this evening that they are investigating a report regarding an assault on a man which took place in Bodden Town Road last night at around 6.40pm. CNS understands from unconfirmed reports that the male assailant was a well known member of the Bodden Town business community whose weapon of choice appears to have been a dried cow cod (a bull’s penis). Police told CNS they were unable to offer further details on either the weapon or the identity of the man who allegedly committed the assault. A spokesperson said that no arrests have yet been made and enquiries into the incident were ongoing. Meanwhile, Bodden Town MLA Dwayne Seymour has been charged by police in connection with a fight at Cayman Beach Suites earlier this year.

Police confirmed that a 41-year-old man has been charged in connection with an incident which occurred at the Grand Cayman Beach Suites onSaturday 1 May 2010. “The man has been charged with attempting to obstruct, prevent, pervert or defeat the course of justice. It is anticipated he will appear in court on 9 November 2010,” a police spokesperson said.

At the time of the incident, Florida based personal trainer Garrone Yap claimed he was assaulted by Seymour and another man outside the hotel. All three men were arrested, but Yap was released without charge.


Well-known member
The pizzle as a "weapon of choice" brought this video to mind - and Christopher Walken dancing.
