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single discussion

Καλησπέρα σε όλους,

Τα δικά μου συμφραζόμενα:

The best single discussion of the relevant issues can be found in Tuplin 1993: 125–46 and passim.

Αν δεν είχε τον πληθυντικό "issues" θα έλεγα "μονοθεματική εξέταση/συζήτηση", αλλά ο πληθυντικός με μπερδεύει.

To "single discussion" απ' ό,τι βλέπω χρησιμοποιείται για να χαρακτηρίσει και νήματα.

Μήπως "εστιασμένη";;;
Κάπου το συνάντησα το "ενιαία", αλλά αν και μου φαίνεται αξιοπρεπές, δεν μου είναι σαφές το νόημα της φράσης "ενιαία συζήτηση". Το "συνολική συζήτηση" είναι πολύ σαφές και βολικό εδώ, αλλά - όντως αυτό σημαίνει single discussion; :s


Well-known member
Ίσως το discussion = ανάλυση/εξέταση (του θέματος)... και το single = από μόνο της/αυτή καθεαυτή;

είναι "αυτή καθεαυτή" η καλύτερη ανάλυση ... it's the best single (i.e., in and of itself, by itself) analysis (of the topic).

... ίσως και η καλύτερη "αυτόνομη (δεν αντλεί - ιδέες/απόψεις - από πουθενά αλλού) ανάλυση"; (αν ταιριάζει στα ελληνικά)


Well-known member
Σαν να λέει, ίσως ... δεν χρειάζεται να ψάξεις άλλες πηγές ... όλα τα σχεχετικα θέματα αναλύονται/ εξετάζονται με τον καλύτερο τρόπο σε αυτό το (ένα-single) βιβλίο;


Staff member
Έχω την εντύπωση ότι το single εδώ σημαίνει «που είναι συγκεντρωμένη στο ίδιο σημείο», «υπό την ίδια σκέπη», «υπό την ίδια στέγη», «στον ίδιο χώρο».

Η πρόταση του Θέμη αποδίδει με το «πληρέστερη» το «best» — αλλά μπορεί να υπάρχει ακόμα πληρέστερη εξέταση των συγκεκριμένων θεμάτων σε 32 νήματα του (μην το ψάξετε, δεν υπάρχει). Δεν με ενοχλεί σαν λύση, αλλά παρακάμπτει το πρόβλημα, όπως κάνουν συχνά οι μηχανικοί.


Well-known member
Ναι, συμφωνώ με το ... "είναι συγκεντρωμένη στο ίδιο σημείο."
That's what I was getting at - πάνω κάτω - post #5.

... you'll find the best single discussion/the best single analysis - i.e., all the relevant issues are amply covered/analysed in this one (single) book.

In other words, this book is the best single source (referring to the topic under discussion) - if you are going to refer to/read any one book, this is the one.
Σας ευχαριστώ όλους. Αναρωτιέμαι πώς θα το μεταφράζαμε όταν προσδιορίζει ένα νήμα.

For example, all messages within a single discussion thread can be expected to cover broadly the same topic.

For larger courses, having a single discussion thread may become to [ενν. too] unwieldy to manage for both students and teaching team. Instead, creating a group discussion to segment students into smaller groups may prove to be a better solution. (εδώ)


Staff member
Αυτό το εμφατικό θα το απέδιδα με «(σε) ένα[ν] και μόνο» / «(σε) μία και μόνη».


I wouldn't be reading too much into the use of the term "single" here. The term "discussion" is already singular, hence semantically, the best single discussion = the best discussion. "Best single" is mainly used for the purpose of emphasis. Always IMHO.


Well-known member
I wouldn't be reading too much into the use of the term "single" here. The term "discussion" is already singular, hence semantically, the best single discussion = the best discussion. "Best single" is mainly used for the purpose of emphasis. Always IMHO.

We can’t be sure about anything, of course - but I think “best single” means that all the important issues were very well covered/examined/discussed “in the one hit” (in the referred to pages of this book).. in the one single “go to whoa”/all-encompassing discussion.
Being a single discussion might also mean that it had a nice flow and was not disjointed?
You might otherwise have needed to refer to several other accounts/ sources/books/analyses to piece together the whole story (the subject under discussion).
Πρέπει μάλλον να αντιστοιχεί σε αυτό που γράφουν συνήθως στις κοινωνικές επιστήμες (ιδίως οι νομικοί): "βλ. αντί άλλων"

You might otherwise have needed to refer to several other accounts/ sources/books/analyses to piece together the whole story (the subject under discussion).

Έψαξα να δω τι ακριβώς σημαίνει το "Βλ. αντί άλλων", αν σημαίνει ακριβώς αυτό που λέει ο pontios, αλλά δεν το βρήκα...


We can’t be sure about anything, of course - but I think “best single” means that all the important issues were very well covered/examined/discussed “in the one hit” (in the referred to pages of this book).. in the one single “go to whoa”/all-encompassing discussion.
Being a single discussion might also mean that it had a nice flow and was not disjointed?
You might otherwise have needed to refer to several other accounts/ sources/books/analyses to piece together the whole story (the subject under discussion).

You're right, Pontios. Often, people will use the expression "single best" (or as in this case "best single") where the "single" doesn't have much significance on the meaning of the sentence (it's more an emphasis thing), however in this case it's different.


Well-known member
You're right, Pontios. Often, people will use the expression "single best" (or as in this case "best single") where the "single" doesn't have much significance on the meaning of the sentence (it's more an emphasis thing), however in this case it's different.

The transposed “single best” did cross my mind ... when I read your previous post, which would have worked as an emphasis thing, as you say - emphasising “best.”
For best “single” discussion I was thinking something like ....(η) καλύτερη «μία/μια και έξω» εξεταση; .. that’s how I’m interpreting it, anyway.