Καλησπέρα σε όλους,
Έπεσα πάνω στη λέξη "kidult", που μάλλον δεν την έχω ξανασυναντήσει:
Australia's proportion of kidults is increasing, with more people aged in their 20s staying in the family home, especially in cities rather than regional areas. (εδώ)
Δεν υπάρχει στο Webster, αλλά υπάρχει στα OED:
1 An adult with childish tastes.
Example sentences
1.1 mass noun, often as modifier A genre of television programmes, films, or games intended to appeal to both children and adults.
‘high-tech kidult entertainment’
1960s: blend of kid and adult.
Έχει αποδοθεί ήδη κάπως στα ελληνικά; Σκέφτηκα το "παιδενήλικες"...
edit: Υπάρχει και ταινία, "Kidulthood" (βρετανική, 2006)
Έπεσα πάνω στη λέξη "kidult", που μάλλον δεν την έχω ξανασυναντήσει:
Australia's proportion of kidults is increasing, with more people aged in their 20s staying in the family home, especially in cities rather than regional areas. (εδώ)
Δεν υπάρχει στο Webster, αλλά υπάρχει στα OED:
1 An adult with childish tastes.
Example sentences
1.1 mass noun, often as modifier A genre of television programmes, films, or games intended to appeal to both children and adults.
‘high-tech kidult entertainment’
1960s: blend of kid and adult.
Έχει αποδοθεί ήδη κάπως στα ελληνικά; Σκέφτηκα το "παιδενήλικες"...
edit: Υπάρχει και ταινία, "Kidulthood" (βρετανική, 2006)