λίγες βαρκούλες

In English "few" can almost mean "none at all" in addition to "one or two". For example, "few people (i.e. virtually no people) ever go there", as opposed to "a few people go there". Is this ambiguity the same in Greek? Λίγα μέτρα από το σπίτι του (Σαιξπήρου) βρίσκεται ένα ρομαντικό ρυάκι. Λίγες βαρκούλες το ζωντανεύουνε απ’ το βαρύ του ύπνο. Surely it means "no little boat" here. In any case, I can’t imagine any βαρκούλες σ’ ένα ρυάκι!:down::mad:


In Greek there is no such distinction, Theseus.
Few people= ελάχιστοι άνθρωποι
A few people= λίγοι/ κάποιοι άνθρωποι
In the examples above:
A few/ Some metres from Shakespeare's home there is a picturesque stream. A few/ Some (toy?) boats enliven it.
'Thanks, SBE. 'Enliven it from its deep sleep'. Is 'its deep sleep' then the winter. These travellers go there in the spring.


Staff member
...Λίγα μέτρα από το σπίτι του (Σαιξπήρου) βρίσκεται ένα ρομαντικό ρυάκι. Λίγες βαρκούλες το ζωντανεύουνε απ’ το βαρύ του ύπνο. Surely it means "no little boat" here. In any case, I can’t imagine any βαρκούλες σ’ ένα ρυάκι!

Well, if we're talking about Shakespeare's birthplace, that half-timbered house on Henley Street in Stratford-upon-Avon, not far from that to the northeast is the Stratford Canal which, according to Google Earth, should be wide enough for small boats, or if not, for punting at least. Not to mention the Avon itself to the southeast.

Perhaps the word "ρυάκι" is used for a stream —not a brook or creek which are narrower— where small boats would fit, I suppose.

... 'Enliven it from its deep sleep'. Is 'its deep sleep' then the winter. These travellers go there in the spring.
Could be that the stream is pictured as lazy, slow moving, therefore in a deep slumber regardless of season, or even sleepy because very few people -or boats- visit it.

Boat on the river - Styx

Now that's a river in deep, heavy sleep indeed, Styx.
I thought obviously of the Avon (but not of the Stratford canal) but the only ρυάκι I could think of is Shottery brook, a few yards away from the so-called Anne Hathaway's cottage. The Avon would hardly be desribed as a 'brook'. But there may well be a creek where the Stratford Canal joins the Avon. The river Styx.... deep, dark and there to swear by.


Staff member
Νοερή σημείωση (που φοβάμαι ότι σημαίνει ότι μέχρι αύριο θα την έχω ξεχάσει): Αν δεν έχουμε καλό νήμα για να επισημαίνουμε ότι συχνότατα το few και το little πρέπει να αποδίδονται με το ελάχιστοι / ελάχιστο ακριβώς για να μη βγαίνει η θετική σημασία του λίγοι / λίγο, να το φτιάξουμε. Εκεί να ρίξουμε και τον φοβερό αγγλισμό quite a few.


Staff member
Ωραία. Απαλλάχτηκα κι από τη νοερή σημείωση. :)