Περίμενα κι εγώ. Έσκυβα απάνω από τον γκρεμό, αφουκράζουμουν· άξαφνα, μακριά, μακριά πολύ, κουφοβρόντηξαν πατημασιές. Κάποιος ζύγωνε, και τα βουνά κουνιούνταν. Έπαιζαν τα ρουθούνια μου — όλος ο αγέρας μύριζε σαν μπροσταρότραγος. «Έρχεται! Έρχεται!» μουρμούριζα κι έζωνα σφιχτά τη μέση μου συντάζομουν να παλέψω.
'I waited too. Leaning over the precipice, I listened intently. Suddenly I heard the muffled thunder of footsteps far, very far in the distance. Someone was approaching; the mountains shook. My nostrils began to quiver. The air all about smelled like the head goat that leads the flock. "He is coming. He is coming," I murmured, tightly girding my loins. I was making myself ready to fight."
Right as ever, Pal Αύρα. I hope this helps. I get drunk on the language & thoughts of Kazantzakis. Heady stuff! :):up: