The exact sentence. From the comments above, it must be a misprint:
Μεγαλώσαμε μαζί σε μια γειτονιά της Τρίπολης αλλά όταν ήταν [a nasty cacophony?] ξεκάξι χρόνων οι γονείς του μετακομίσαμε στη Γαλλία για δουλειές του πάτερα του.
Thanks for all the help given. No wonder I was stuck on this word!
It comes from Dr Kypros Tofallis's MODERN GREEK TRANSLATION For Beginners up to GCE "A" level, piece 61, paragraph 2.
He is a Greek Cypriot teacher & lecturer, who now lives in London.
By the way, Dr, I Don't understand how Δεκάξι, μεκάξι, ξεκάξι, δεν καταλαβαίνω τίποτα. Διά-βα-σμα! fits the context. The parent is speaking after the daughter has shouted 'Sixteen, sixteen, sixteen!' 'I don't understand anything. Get-read-ing! Is it sarcastic, meaning "You may be sixteen & no I don't understand what you are driving at but GET READING!"