Η αίτηση της λοχίας για επίδομα λοχείας...To "η λοχία" το λέγανε ήδη από τότε που υπηρετούσα εγώ (σειρά με τον Τσιμισκή)
Η αίτηση της λοχίας για επίδομα λοχείας...To "η λοχία" το λέγανε ήδη από τότε που υπηρετούσα εγώ (σειρά με τον Τσιμισκή)
Γυναίκα ποδοσφαιριστής του Ιράν δεν μπορεί να ταξιδέψει στο εξωτερικό με την ομάδα της. Της πήρε το διαβατήριο ο άνδρας της.
That’s what zhe said: mx-ing up the language of gender (Laurel Stvan / The Conversation)
On January 8 the American Dialect Society announced “they” as its 2015 Word of the Year.
Mx was created in the 1980s as a standard title without gender connotations, though its use didn't take off until the turn of the century. It can be used by anyone regardless of gender or marital status. It follows the M* pattern: Mr, Ms, Mx. It doesn't require a qualification or career as Dr and Rev do. The x represents a wildcard character that removes gender. The title is pronounced similarly to Ms: Mux or Mix. For more information on its history and creation, see this article on Practical Androgyny by Nat Titman.
Ο άγνωστος χ.
In the UK, ‘Mx’ is now the most commonly used and recognised gender-neutral title and has been adopted by major national institutions such as HMRC, DWP, DVLA, the Identity and Passport Service, many high street banks and some universities. ‘Mx’ can be pronounced as ‘mux’, ‘mix’ or ‘mixter’.
The University has amended its staff and student systems so that individuals can choose to be addressed by the title ‘Mx'.
Now pick Mr, Mrs, Miss, Ms . . . or Mx for no specific gender, The Sunday Times
Gender neutral honorific Mx 'to be included' in the Oxford English Dictionary alongside Mr, Ms and Mrs and Miss
LOULLA-MAE ELEFTHERIOU-SMITH, The Independent, Sunday 03 May 2015
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