Φέτος θα έχουμε διάφορα καλούδια, από τη Βρετανία κυρίως, για όσους ενδιαφέρονται για το έργο του Σέξπιρ, αφού τιμάται με διάφορες εκδηλώσεις η επέτειος των 400 χρόνων από το θάνατό του το 1616. Αν μαθαίνετε για κάποιες ενδιαφέρουσες εκδηλώσεις ή βρίσκετε στο δρόμο σας άρθρα που δίνουν κάτι παραπάνω, ας κάνετε τον κόπο να ενημερώνετε και το νήμα εδώ.
Προς το παρόν αντιγράφω κάτι που είχε δημοσιευτεί πρόπερσι στο bbc.co.uk με αφορμή τα 450 χρόνια από τη γέννησή του Σέξπιρ.
William Shakespeare is the UK's greatest cultural icon, according to the results of an international survey released to mark the 450th anniversary of his birth.
Five thousand young adults in India, Brazil, Germany, China and the USA were asked to name a person they associated with contemporary UK arts and culture.
Shakespeare was the most popular response, with an overall score of 14%.
The result emerged from a wider piece of research for the British Council.
The Queen and David Beckham came second and third respectively. Other popular responses included JK Rowling, Adele, The Beatles, Paul McCartney and Elton John.
Shakespeare proved most popular in China where he was mentioned by 25% of respondents. The lowest score - 6% - was in the US.
Προς το παρόν αντιγράφω κάτι που είχε δημοσιευτεί πρόπερσι στο bbc.co.uk με αφορμή τα 450 χρόνια από τη γέννησή του Σέξπιρ.
William Shakespeare is the UK's greatest cultural icon, according to the results of an international survey released to mark the 450th anniversary of his birth.
Five thousand young adults in India, Brazil, Germany, China and the USA were asked to name a person they associated with contemporary UK arts and culture.
Shakespeare was the most popular response, with an overall score of 14%.
The result emerged from a wider piece of research for the British Council.
The Queen and David Beckham came second and third respectively. Other popular responses included JK Rowling, Adele, The Beatles, Paul McCartney and Elton John.
Shakespeare proved most popular in China where he was mentioned by 25% of respondents. The lowest score - 6% - was in the US.