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Α Savoy-trained Butler looks after your every whim



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University of West London
The London School of Hospitality and Tourism has now joined with The Savoy in London to offer The Diploma for Butlers as part of The Savoy Butler Academy.

The Savoy Butler Academy with the University of West London provides a perfect training ground for those who wish to pursue a career as a professional butler; a role increasingly in demand internationally as well as in the UK.

Throughout the world, butlers are employed to provide a wide range of specialist services; in private households, villas and estates, luxury hotels, exclusive clubs, at prestigious corporate and state events and on cruise ships and yachts.
[and luxury airlines]

The first group of Etihad Airways’ unique inflight Butler trainees has departed Abu Dhabi for specialist training at the Savoy Butler Academy in London.
“We are grateful for the support and enthusiasm we have received from the Savoy Training Academy, which shares our mission to provide something truly exceptional in the air.”

The first two weeks of training will take place at the London School of Hospitality and Tourism, at the University of West London, a leading provider of luxury hospitality management education. The third week will see the Butler trainees start their attachment at The Savoy Hotel, where they will shadow the establishment’s own world-renowned butlers as they carry out their duties, allowing them unhindered access and exposure to their training.

Revealed: What it's REALLY like to be a Savoy-trained butler for the super-rich in Etihad's £12,500 'apartment in the sky'

Trainin' Stompin' at the Savoy - Ella Fitzgerald & Louis Armstrong

What joy - a perfect holiday
Savoy, where we can glide and sway
Savoy, let me stomp away with you
Savoy, let me fly away serving you


But that was a ballroom, in Harlem.

Edit: Τζιβς, πες στον κύριο αποπάνω ότι με πρόλαβε, παρακαλώ. :-)


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Καλημέρα. Ίσως, αν το κείμενο επιτρέπει τη φλυαρία, να πρέπει να προστεθεί το Savoy, μια και οι συντάκτες νιώθουν την ανάγκη να πουλήσουν μούρη. Ας πούμε: μπάτλερ εκπαιδευμένοι με τις αρχές / με τις προδιαγραφές του (περίφημου) (λονδρέζικου) ξενοδοχείου Savoy.


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Καλημέρα. Ίσως, αν το κείμενο επιτρέπει τη φλυαρία, να πρέπει να προστεθεί το Savoy, μια και οι συντάκτες νιώθουν την ανάγκη να πουλήσουν μούρη. ...

Όπως επιθυμεί ο κύριος. :-)



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Δεν θα το πίστευα ότι θα ξέφευγε από τον Δαεμάνο:

Δεν ξέφυγε, αλλά και μου άρεσε το ταίριασμα των στίχων του Stompin' at the Savoy (What joy - a perfect holiday) με το θέμα του νήματος και δεν θέλω να το παρακάνω με τις μουσικές (γιατί αν θελήσω να το παρακάνω, δε με χωράει ο τόπος) και συχνά σκέφτομαι ότι κάτι πρέπει ν' αφήσω και για κανέναν άλλο*. Και φαίνεται πως καλά έκανα. :-) Αφιερωμένο:

Savoy Truffle - Ella Fitzgerald

Έλα, σήμερα είναι της Έλλας (δεν είναι δηθεναντιστρεψιμότητα, διάκριση είναι).

* Άσε που, με τόσα γλυκά, χαλάνε τα δόντια.
Savoy Truffle is a funny one written whist [sic, whilst or while] hanging out with Eric Clapton in the '60s. At that time he had a lot of cavities in his teeth and needed dental work. He always had a toothache but he ate a lot of chocolates - he couldn't resist them, and once he saw a box he had to eat them all. He was over at my house, and I had a box of Good News chocolates on the table and wrote the song from the names inside the lid. I got stuck with the two bridges for a while and Derek Taylor wrote some of the words in the middle - 'You know that what you eat you are'.
George Harrison
I Me Mine, 1980


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Επί τον τύπον, άνευ ήλων, επί το έργον:

Butler training at the Savoy

Nicolas Ollivier, Assistant Head Butler at the Savoy trains Matt Baker from the One Show on 22/09/2011.