Ιδιωματισμός που κυκλοφορεί μερικές δεκαετίες αλλά δεν είναι τόσο διαδεδομένος και τα περισσότερα λεξικά δεν τον έχουν τακτοποιήσει ακόμα. Αρχικά περιέγραφε πώς ξεμπερδεύουμε με κάποια τυπική διαδικασία παίρνοντας τηλέφωνο, αντί να κάνουμε τον κόπο να στείλουμε μια γραπτή ευχαριστία, ένα γραπτό μήνυμα για περαστικά, να κάνουμε έναν κόπο παραπάνω σύμφωνα με το (παλιοκαιρισμένο) σαβουάρ βιβρ. Από εκεί πέρασε στη διεκπεραίωση υποθέσεων με τον ελάχιστο κόπο, σαν να πρόκειται για υπόθεση ρουτίνας. Αραδιάζω παραδείγματα χρήσης και μπορείτε να προτείνετε κι άλλες αποδόσεις εκτός από το ξεπετάω.
phone it in informal Work or perform without much effort, interest, or enthusiasm:
phone it in informal Work or perform without much effort, interest, or enthusiasm:
- She sang the National Anthem, but she was just phoning it in as far as I could tell.
- I think of my playing as committed—I can’t remember ever phoning it in at any performance
- Because Bill Barol and his beloved Blather Blog has returned after a months-long hiatus, including a few weeks there when he was obviously just sort of phoning it in, not that we don't all do that on occasion, of course.
- Well, I guess I'd be phoning it in too if I knew that after my scene wrapped I could go back to partying on my yacht with my movie star friends on Lake Como.
- I know that thirty years of this kind of stuff has got to have to taken its toll on you, Cece, but let's not just phone it in anymore. (1982?)
- But here was someone who could have been paid regally for just phoning it in for another year or two willing instead to throw that all away (1998)
- his new show with Julia Child -- "Julia and Jacques Cooking At Home" on WMPT Channel 22 -- is a clever marketing stroke, but at times both of these veteran teachers seem to be phoning it in. (2000)
- And I think our campaign put a lot more on the line, frankly, to try to solve that problem than Senator Obama, who tried to phone it in. (2008)