Οι experts on the Israeli-Palestinian issue που διεκδικούν μια θέση συμβούλου γύρω από τη Χίλαρυ είναι όλοι Εβραίοι, σύμφωνα με τη New York Times, η οποία το αναφέρει σε άρθρο της χωρίς κανένα συνοδευτικό σχόλιο:
People who know Mrs. Clinton say she is eager to recruit a fresh face to handle the Arab-Israeli issue, perhaps reaching beyond the circle of Middle East stalwarts. Still, in the debates playing out on cable talk shows and in opinion columns, the discussion keeps coming back to members of this group, all of whom are Jewish and have collectively worked for 5 presidents and 10 secretaries of state.