Is This The World's Hardest Tongue Twister?


"Pad kid poured curd pulled cold."

It may sound nonsensical but this jumble of words may just be the most tricky tongue twister ever, leaving tongue-tangling classics like Peter Piper and the seashell seller on the seashore in the dust.

In a recent speech study conducted by researchers at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, volunteers were recorded saying different combinations of words (like "the top cop saw a cop top") which typically causes muddled speech.

The phrase "pad kid poured curd pulled cold" turned out to be the most challenging; so much so that "the test subjects couldn't even get through it," with some volunteers going mute altogether when they attempted to repeat the tongue-twisting sentence, according to a press release on the study.

"If anyone can say this [phrase] ten times quickly, they get a prize," said Stefanie Shattuck-Hufnagel, an MIT psychologist who worked on the research........
(Is This The World's Hardest Tongue Twister?-The Huffington Post)

Εγώ πάντως δεν το βρίσκω καθόλου δύσκολο.:whistle:


Staff member
Εγώ πάντως δεν το βρίσκω καθόλου δύσκολο.:whistle:
Το είπα δέκα φορές με τη δεύτερη. Θα έβαζα και ηχητικό αλλά θα ήταν με την τρίτη.
Το δικό μου μυστικό: τρεις δυάδες. Pad kid / poured curd / pulled cold.


Κι εγώ δεν το βρήκα τόσο δύσκολο, αλλά μάλλον σκότωσα όλα τα φωνήεντα γιατί είμαι από άλλο χωριό και όχι από το αγγλόφωνο.


Well-known member
It doesn't exactly roll/trip off the tongue (my tongue, anyway).
I stuttered/hesitated around the 8th or 9th repetition (my first attempt) - almost got through it - when I said it out loud and quickly.
A good challenge.
Thanks, cougr.

Try this one, too (the Japanese would find it impossible).
Clean clams crammed in clean cans.


Staff member
Clean clamped clams crammed in clean clan cans. :cheek:

...Ευτυχώς που μου 'στειλαν πεσκέσι μια γκαμπόπιτα: σπανακολεμονοπορτοκαλομανταρινομηλοροδακινοβερικοκοφραουλοκερασοκαρπουζοδαμασκηνοτυροχορτοκοτολουκανικοχυλόπιτα. :p

And I'rr rower the rimit, you'rr be required to say it onry 1 time quickry, forwards and backwards. That's a charrenge arright.


Well-known member
Pad kid poured curd pulled cold clean clamped clams crammed in clean clan cans. :cheek::cheek:


Staff member
18 Tongue Twisters from around the world

Πάτα την πατάτα του παππού του που 'πε πάτα την πατάτα. :p