We looked at all kinds of superstructures, bridges, skyscrapers, transoms, to try to bring a sense of what engineering in today's world can accomplish.
Ποια από τις πολλές μεταφράσεις του transom μπορεί να είναι εδώ;
A horizontal dividing bar of wood or stone in a window.
A lintel.
The horizontal beam on a cross or gallows.
Read more: http://www.answers.com/topic/transom#ixzz2fKnsKiam
Ποια από τις πολλές μεταφράσεις του transom μπορεί να είναι εδώ;
- A horizontal crosspiece over a door or between a door and a window above it.
- A small hinged window above a door or another window.
A horizontal dividing bar of wood or stone in a window.
A lintel.
- Any of several transverse beams affixed to the sternpost of a wooden ship and forming part of the stern.
- The aftermost transverse structural member in a steel ship, including the floor, frame, and beam assembly at the sternpost.
- The stern of a square-sterned boat when it is a structural member.
The horizontal beam on a cross or gallows.
Read more: http://www.answers.com/topic/transom#ixzz2fKnsKiam