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Ultimate Lazy Agent Marketing System of 157 Marketing Secret and Strategies
The easiest way to target a profession is to send out a champion letter. A champion letter is one from an existing client of yours praising you and your business. For example:
You would like to target one of your clients who is very impressed with your services. Here is how you do this:
10. Ask your client if they will endorse you (they usually will).
11. Write a letter on your client's letterhead praising your services.
12. Enclose one of your sales letters with the clients.
13. Pay for all the letterhead, envelopes, business cards, postage, etc.
This will ensure that your letter will be read, because professionals usually read mail from other people in their field.
14. Do not forget to follow up with a second and third letter that is strictly from you.
Σκέφτομαι την υποστηρικτική επιστολή, που ξέρουμε ότι είναι το support letter / letter of support. Και, μια και είδα το praise, εγκωμιαστική επιστολή. Φεύγει ωστόσο από το champion.