(Αντιγράφω από Wiki)
Charrettes take place in many disciplines, including land use planning, or urban planning. In planning, the charrette has become a technique for consulting with all stakeholders. This type of charrette (sometimes called an enquiry by design) typically involves intense and possibly multi-day meetings, involving municipal officials, developers, and residents. A successful charrette promotes joint ownership of solutions and attempts to defuse typical confrontational attitudes between residents and developers. Charrettes tend to involve small groups, however the residents participating may not represent all the residents nor have the moral authority to represent them. Residents who do participate get early input into the planning process. For developers and municipal officials charrettes achieve community involvement, may satisfy consultation criteria, with the objective of avoiding costly legal battles. Other uses of the term "charrette" occur within an academic or professional setting, whereas urban planners invite the general public to their planning charrettes. Thus most people (unless they happen to be design students) encounter the term "charrette" in an urban-planning context.
Έχει κανείς κάποια ιδέα για απόδοση του design charette με αυτή την έννοια;
Χωρίς να έχω καταλήξει, μπορώ να σκεφτώ "έντονες διαβουλεύσεις με κατοίκους-φορείς" ή "ανοιχτή συζήτηση με κατοίκους της υπό μελέτη περιοχής".
(Αντιγράφω από Wiki)
Charrettes take place in many disciplines, including land use planning, or urban planning. In planning, the charrette has become a technique for consulting with all stakeholders. This type of charrette (sometimes called an enquiry by design) typically involves intense and possibly multi-day meetings, involving municipal officials, developers, and residents. A successful charrette promotes joint ownership of solutions and attempts to defuse typical confrontational attitudes between residents and developers. Charrettes tend to involve small groups, however the residents participating may not represent all the residents nor have the moral authority to represent them. Residents who do participate get early input into the planning process. For developers and municipal officials charrettes achieve community involvement, may satisfy consultation criteria, with the objective of avoiding costly legal battles. Other uses of the term "charrette" occur within an academic or professional setting, whereas urban planners invite the general public to their planning charrettes. Thus most people (unless they happen to be design students) encounter the term "charrette" in an urban-planning context.
Έχει κανείς κάποια ιδέα για απόδοση του design charette με αυτή την έννοια;
Χωρίς να έχω καταλήξει, μπορώ να σκεφτώ "έντονες διαβουλεύσεις με κατοίκους-φορείς" ή "ανοιχτή συζήτηση με κατοίκους της υπό μελέτη περιοχής".