Όσο το shade είναι μη αριθμήσιμο, το αποδίδουμε ως σκιά. Όταν αρχίσει να μετριέται (δηλ. γίνει a shade, shades), η απόδοση γίνεται απόχρωση (εκτός από το eye shade, που παραμένει σκιά):
a plant that needs a lot of shade
She was sitting in the shade of a large oak tree.
I spent the afternoon reading under the shade of an umbrella.
The temperature was over 90 degrees in the shade.
He pulled a wicker chair into the shade.
strong contrasts of light and shade
απόχρωση (ΟΧΙ σκιά):
a bright shade of pink
The painter used different textures and shades to represent the seasons.
There is room in the Democratic party for many shades of opinion.
a plant that needs a lot of shade
She was sitting in the shade of a large oak tree.
I spent the afternoon reading under the shade of an umbrella.
The temperature was over 90 degrees in the shade.
He pulled a wicker chair into the shade.
strong contrasts of light and shade
απόχρωση (ΟΧΙ σκιά):
a bright shade of pink
The painter used different textures and shades to represent the seasons.
There is room in the Democratic party for many shades of opinion.