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Dwarf/midget throwing/tossing

What would this be in Greek?
Dwarf tossing is a bar attraction in which dwarfs wearing special padded clothing or Velcro costumes are thrown onto mattresses or at Velcro-coated walls. Participants compete to throw the dwarf the farthest. The term "dwarf throwing" is sometimes used. Though banned in several countries, it is not, I think, illegal in French bars and it is apparently very popular in New Zealand pubs. In The Lord of the Rings film trilogy at the broken bridge in the Mines of Moria, Gimli tells Aragorn, "Nobody tosses a dwarf!" The director's commentary goes on to say that the writing team did not realize that dwarf tossing is not as common in the United States and other regions as it is in New Zealand. Nothing like it appears in the actual book of Lord of the Rings.


Staff member
You mean, political correctness (let alone humanism) hasn't reached New Zealand yet?


Staff member
Εδώ το λέμε πέταγμα των νάνων.

Do they also fly there, then? ;)
Can't blame them, though; they might as well resort to migration to avoid such a cruel derogation. :angry: :curse:


New member
Do they also fly there, then? ;)
Can't blame them, though; they might as well resort to migration to avoid such a cruel derogation. :angry: :curse:

Then the dwarf saith, vengeance is mine...



Συγγνώμη, αυτά όλα τα λέμε σοβαρά; :scared:
Μέρες που είναι, έχω χάσει λίγο το μπούσουλα, να σκεφτείτε ούτε το μέγεθος της έκτακτης εισφοράς σε εισόδημα/επιτήδευμα/σπίτι, συνειδητοποίησα αρχικά...


Staff member
Τώρα που όλη η Ευρώπη μάς έχει στα ... όπα όπα, γιατί εμένα μου φαίνεται σαν να παρακολουθώ αγώνα νανοβολίας;


Well-known member
..και άμα πετάμε τους δίσκους της Νάνας .. Ναναβολία η δισκοβολία ;


Do they also fly there, then? ;)
Can't blame them, though; they might as well resort to migration to avoid such a cruel derogation. :angry: :curse:

Come to think of it, I imagine that they do go flying through the air.

The whole concept disgusts me too daeman, but you'd be surprised that some of it's most ardent advocates are dwarfs themselves.