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wished on her

Καλησπέρα, διαβάζω ένα διήγημα της Άλις Μονρό ("The Love of A Good Woman"), και έπεσα πάνω σε μία πρόταση που με έχει σπαζοκεφαλιάσει λίγο. Αν έχετε όρεξη, την αντιγράφω εδώ - αναφέρεται στις δυο μικρές κόρες μιας ετοιμοθάνατης νέας γυναίκας, τις οποίες εκείνη δεν ανέχεται πια κοντά της:

You would think these two daughters of hers were a pair of rowdy orphans, wished on her for an indefinite visit.

("Θα έλεγες ότι οι δυο της οι κόρες ήταν τίποτε ορφανά αγριοκόριτσα, ......" - το wished on με την έννοια της κατάρας, οκ, αλλά δεν μπορώ να σκεφτώ τίποτα ωραίο στα ελληνικά.)


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8.8 To foist or impose (something or someone) on (to) someone; to endow with at another's wish.

1915 N. L. McClung In Times like These x. 164 Women have never chosen the liquor business.‥ It has been wished on them. 1926 Publishers' Weekly 22 May 1725/1 Mr. Remington‥has not been able to be with us.‥ That is why we are able to wish that good job on him. 1934 E. Waugh Handful of Dust i. 20 Who was the old girl you wished on me at that party last night? 1954 ‘N. Shute’ Slide Rule 1 An unwanted kitten that they had wished on to my children. 1962 Listener 5 July 14/2 The plan was to build a much larger school than was needed, at the same time ‘wishing’ additional housing on the village to justify it. 1971 Guardian 9 Jan. 13/2 We owed money everywhere.‥ I wouldn't wish that on any of today's young housewives. 1983 M. Babson Fool for Murder xviii. 166 It really was most unfair of Uncle Wilmer to wish it on Wanda-Lu.‥ He wasn't the one who'd have to keep the place tidy.

Η απλούστερη λύση: που της φορτώθηκαν επ' αόριστον.
Αποδίδει το impose, χωρίς... μαγικές συμπαραδηλώσεις.

Αν τις θέλουμε αυτές, τότε: που για κακή της τύχη, της φορτώθηκαν...