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What if...

What if means 'suppose that', as in 'What if the speaker doesn't get here in time?'
This expression is in effect a shortening of “what [would happen] if.” It was first recorded about 1420.
'What if': idiomatic question phrase in informal English. It means what would or will happen if + a complete sentence.
--Mary: What if you leave me for another girl when I am sick?
--John: What kind of question is that? How can I leave you? I love you. I will always be at your side if you get sick.

--Helen: What if I lose my money in the stock market again after my recent huge loss?
--Bobby: Do not put your money in the stock market then. Instead, consider secure investment, such as bonds.:s
Κι αν...; (Shortened for: Τι γίνεται / θα γίνει / θα συμβεί αν...; )
Κι αν μ' αφήσεις για μιαν άλλη...;
Κι αν χάσω τα λεφτά μου...;


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Να συμπληρώσω ότι η what-if analysis αποδίδεται ως ανάλυση υποθέσεων.