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to have (a bit of) a thing about (someone or something) = έχω ένα θέμα με (κάποιον ή κάτι)

have a bit of a thing about someone or something:-
1. to have a special fear or dislike of someone or something.
--Kelly has a bit of a thing about Tim. She simply hates him.
--I have a thing about snakes.
2. to have a craving for someone or something.
--I have a thing about Maggie. I guess I'm in love.
--Elaine has a thing about strawberry ice cream. She can't get enough of it.:D;)


Mod Almighty
Staff member
Κάτι μου κάνει (he/she/it does something to me). This works both ways, i.e. it can be both good and bad. The same goes for Κάτι έχω με τα φίδια/με τον Τιμ.