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The more fool him/her/you &c!

The more fool you!
Something that you say in order to show that you think someone has done something stupid:-
--You lent her sixty pounds and expected it back? More fool you!
-- 'He's volunteered to work late.' 'The more fool him, then.' :down:


New member
Καλά να πάθεις, κακό του κεφαλιού σου/ κακό δικό σου are perhaps the nicest way to put it.

A more colourful interpretation would be τα θέλει (κι εσένα) ο κώλος σου.


Mod Almighty
Staff member
Or, καλό κορόιδο είσαι κι εσύ/καλό κορόιδο είναι κι αυτός.