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The government needs to take on board these objections to its health reforms

take on board something (hideous cliche!) means to understand and accept ideas and opinions which may change the way you behave in the future:-
-- Banks need to take on board the views of their customers.
--It seems that young people are finally taking on board the message that it's not cool to smoke. :down::eek:mg:


Mod Almighty
Staff member
For your first example, other than SBE's suggestion, we may say να συνυπολογίσει (συνυπολογίζω). For your second, maybe συνειδητοποιώ (to realise).
I think that the phrase implies something more direct than just "take seriously into account". I'd prefer "ενστερνίζομαι".


Staff member
Δίνει την εντύπωση ο ιδιωματισμός ότι σημαίνει υιοθετώ. Να, το λέει σαν δεύτερη σημασία (assimilate, αφομοιώνω) και το OED:

take something on board
informal fully consider or assimilate a new idea or situation: we’ve got to take accusations of sexism on board.

Όμως το παράδειγμα, όπως και τα παραδείγματα του Collins, με κάνουν και μένα να σκέφτομαι «εξετάζω, λαμβάνω (στα) σοβαρά υπόψη»:

to accept (new ideas, situations, theories, etc)
Usage examples
  • They sometimes take on board information from other professionals who view the site. - British Medical Journal (2002)
  • Nonetheless, we are prepared to listen to the people and take on board their concerns. - Irish Times (2002)
  • "I wish my brother would take on board the fact that we need a new employment policy. - Times, Sunday Times (2001)
  • "I'm certainly not going to take on board anyone else's problems with who I am," Gordon says. - Rice, Judith, New Testaments (1993)