A common introductory phrase, emphasising that something is true although it may be surprising. Similar are the phrases 'no less' or 'oddly enough'.
Examples are:-
-He came top of his class, no less!
-Surprising as it may seem, he still loves her.
-Oddly enough, she still thinks he's the bee's knees.
My dictionary suggests παρόλα αυτά, which has the benefit of brevity but perhaps not of nuance. Is there any brief colloquialism, which has the same nuance & effect.:cheek:
Examples are:-
-He came top of his class, no less!
-Surprising as it may seem, he still loves her.
-Oddly enough, she still thinks he's the bee's knees.
My dictionary suggests παρόλα αυτά, which has the benefit of brevity but perhaps not of nuance. Is there any brief colloquialism, which has the same nuance & effect.:cheek: