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St. Thomas Aquinas Confounding Averroës


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Γνωρίζετε πώς λέγεται αυτός ο πίνακας του Τζιοβάνι ντι Πάολο (Thomas Aquinas Confounding Averroës); Με τι σημασία νοείται εδώ το «confounding»;

Νομίζω πως εδώ ο ζωγράφος θέλει να πει το εξής: ο αριστοτελικός (αλλά καθολικός) Θωμάς ο Ακινάτης κατατροπώνει με τα (αριστοτελικά) επιχειρήματά του τον επίσης αριστοτελικό (αλλά ισλαμιστή) Αβερόη.
Δύσκολο. Διαβάζω στη σελίδα του μουσείου που έχει τον πίνακα:

St. Thomas Aquinas, the 13th-century Christian philosopher, stands at a lectern flanked by Christian thinkers discussing the sleeping Muslim philosopher Averroës (1126-98). By placing St. Thomas directly above the prone figure, the artist has symbolically elevated Aquinas's teachings over those of Averroës.

Προφανώς, ο ζωγράφος παίρνει τη θέση του Ακινάτη, ο οποίος είχε κριτικάρει τη φιλοσοφία/θεολογία του Αβερρόη. Οπότε, με βάση όλα αυτά, το confounding έχει μάλλον τη σημασία του ταπεινώνω, κατατροπώνω.


Θα έλεγα ότι τον «κατατροπώνει» ώς «a master of early Islamic philosophy, Islamic theology, Maliki law and jurisprudence, logic, psychology, Arabic music theory, and the sciences of medicine, astronomy, geography, mathematics and physics.» (Wikipedia), μια και εκείνος ήταν «a priest of the Roman Catholic Church in the Dominican Order from Italy, and an immensely influential philosopher and theologian in the tradition of scholasticism» και ανακυρήχθηκε άγιος (Wikipedia)


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Ο λόγος που δίστασα ήταν επειδή διάβασα και τα ακόλουθα:

In medieval Europe, Averroes' school of philosophy, known as Averroism, exerted a strong influence on Christian philosophers such as Thomas Aquinas and Jewish philosophers such as Gersonides. Despite negative reactions from Jewish Talmudists and the Christian clergy, Averroes' writings were taught at the University of Paris and other medieval universities, and Averroism remained the dominant school of thought in Europe through to the 16th century.[4]

In the Christian world, his ideas were assimilated by Siger of Brabant and Thomas Aquinas and others (especially in the University of Paris) within the Christian scholastic tradition which valued Aristotelian logic. Famous scholastics such as Aquinas believed him to be so important they did not refer to him by name, simply calling him "The Commentator" and calling Aristotle "The Philosopher."